How is UNDP helping?
UNDP is working with a wide range of partners to help create coalitions for change to support the goals at global, regional and national levels, to benchmark progress towards them, and to help countries to build the institutional capacity, policies and programmes needed to achieve the MDGs.
Guided by the UN Core Strategy, UNDP's work on the MDGs focuses on coordinating global and local efforts that:
Campaign and mobilise for the MDGs through advocacy;
Share the best strategies for meeting the MDGs in terms of innovative practices, policy and institutional reforms, means of policy implementation, and evaluation of financing options;
Monitor and report progress towards the MDGs; and
Support governments in tailoring the MDGs to local circumstances and challenges.
Guided by the UN Core Strategy, UNDP's work on the MDGs focuses on coordinating global and local efforts that:
Campaign and mobilise for the MDGs through advocacy;
Share the best strategies for meeting the MDGs in terms of innovative practices, policy and institutional reforms, means of policy implementation, and evaluation of financing options;
Monitor and report progress towards the MDGs; and
Support governments in tailoring the MDGs to local circumstances and challenges.
What are the MGDs?
The MDGs represent a global partnership that has grown from the commitments and targets established at the world summits of the 1990s. Responding to the world's main development challenges and to the calls of civil society, the MDGs promote poverty reduction, education, maternal health, gender equality, and aim at combating child mortality, AIDS and other diseases.
Set for the year 2015, the MDGs are an agreed set of goals that can be achieved if all actors work together and do their part. Poor countries have pledged to govern better, and invest in their people through health care and education. Rich countries have pledged to support them, through aid, debt relief, and fairer trade.
Set for the year 2015, the MDGs are an agreed set of goals that can be achieved if all actors work together and do their part. Poor countries have pledged to govern better, and invest in their people through health care and education. Rich countries have pledged to support them, through aid, debt relief, and fairer trade.
2008 Progress Reports
The Millennium Development Goals Report (2008)Achieving the Goals is feasible, the report says, but it will require a greater financial commitment, including delivery by the developed countries of the increased foreign aid that they have promised in the past few years. The Report is also available in other UN official languages.
MDG Gap Task Force Report 2008 The main message of the present report is that while there has been progresson several counts, important gaps remain in delivering on the global commitmentsin the areas of aid, trade, debt relief, and access to new technologies andaffordable essential medicines.
The Millennium Development Goals Report (2008)Achieving the Goals is feasible, the report says, but it will require a greater financial commitment, including delivery by the developed countries of the increased foreign aid that they have promised in the past few years. The Report is also available in other UN official languages.
MDG Gap Task Force Report 2008 The main message of the present report is that while there has been progresson several counts, important gaps remain in delivering on the global commitmentsin the areas of aid, trade, debt relief, and access to new technologies andaffordable essential medicines.